Can O365 Increase Your Productivity?

Are you being as productive as you could? Office 365 improves business productivity in 3 simple ways:

  1. Easy Collaboration

SharePoint is an excellent example of how O365 makes collaboration simply  – The web portal allows employees to work on projects together in real time, exchange files and documents and to do so more quickly, easily, and reliably regardless of where they might be in the world. This means the business can keep ticking along, whether your staff are working with freelancers, remote co-workers, or vendors.

  1. Going Mobile

Flexible working options are becoming a bigger part of every organisation, and as technology evolves it’s becoming much easier. O365 integrates a variety of mobile devices including desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones. Workers can access their Word, Excel and other documents as applications can be installed on up to five devices per user, which means to get work done when and wherever they are, which opens up more time to be productive.

  1. Simple Communication

Effective communication is arguably one of the most important parts of any organisations productivity. O365 offers a variety of options to ensure workers can speak in real time without having to meet face-to-face, including:

  • Microsoft Exchange Online
  • Video chat
  • Instant messaging
  • Skype for Business

If you’d like to find out more about how Office 365 could work for your business contact me today!

If you’re looking for consultancy services to help design your own IT business processes, contact Starboard IT to find out what we can do for you.

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