How Your Business Can Help Flatten The Curve

With COVID-19 sweeping the globe right now, its important businesses take every measure they can to keep staff healthy and ensure they can still operate as close to normal as possible. This is where workplace mobility, or remote working, comes into the picture. If your business isn’t set up to allow staff to work remotely, now is the time to look at your options and make the change. By making your workforce mobile and providing this flexibility you can rest assured that business operations can continue in these uncertain times, maintaining productive staff despite not being in the office together. Many businesses across Australia may not have thought about mobility for their staff, but you’d be surprised how simple it can be to get them up and running from any location they choose. This is only going to become more important in the future as Governments enforce stronger lockdown recommendations. With well-designed mobility strategy, your employees are can be located anywhere across the globe, including their homes, and still have access to the tools they need to complete their work. Having remote working capabilities is the way to keep your business running whilst being socially responsible. Staff may even be more productive as they no longer endure the daily grind of commuting to the office resulting in less stress and more focus. Staff will also experience a degree of autonomy, allowing them more flexibility to set their own work schedule (within reason!). In the early days of remote working, the lack of social interaction with colleagues was not an enticing option for many. However, with the latest cloud services offering video conferencing, instant messaging, live collaboration, email and telecommunication tools at their fingertips they can maintain ‘face to face’ aspect from the safety of their homes. If you’re looking to implement a workplace mobility strategy, it doesn’t have to be difficult or costly. We can assist in creating something quickly that’s tailored to how your team operates, or we can review your current offering to staff to help you get the most of the rapidly changing mobility services that are available.

If you’re looking for consultancy services to help design your own IT business processes, contact Starboard IT to find out what we can do for you.

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